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Hot Wheels: Ready, Set, Race!

pubblicato da Penguin Random House Children's UK

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From crazy cruisers to wacky wheels, find the coolest cars on the course in this brand-new Hot Wheels board book.

Meet the T-Rextroyer and its roaring engine, the furiously fast Roaster Bite which is built for speed, and even the Donut Drifter, a sweet treat for the street. This book is full of vehicles made to race, and who race to win!

On your marks, get set, GO! GO! GO!

This chunky board book is a speedy introduction to vehicles and Hot Wheels!

Don't miss these other epic Hot Wheels books:
Hot Wheels: Sticker Book
Hot Wheels: The Big Race: Search and Find

Hot Wheels is the iconic vehicle property from leading global toy company, Mattel. Hot Wheels offers the ultimate high-speed, action-packed play experience. The all-new animated children's series, Hot Wheels Let's Race, is available now on Netflix. Combining awesome vehicles, adventurous characters, and high-speed races, the new series is a comedy thrill ride for the whole family. Join the Hot Wheels adventure in this fun new collection of activity and story books. On your marks, get set, GO GO GO!

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Generi Bambini e Ragazzi » Educativi » Mezzi di trasporto » Hobby e tempo libero » Enigmistica, quiz e giochi » Interattivi

Editore Penguin Random House Children's Uk

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 08/05/2025

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9780241738283

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Hot Wheels: Ready, Set, Race!

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