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How Sprinkle the Pig Escaped the River of Tears - Anne Westcott - C. C. Alicia Hu
How Sprinkle the Pig Escaped the River of Tears - Anne Westcott - C. C. Alicia Hu

How Sprinkle the Pig Escaped the River of Tears

Anne Westcott - C. C. Alicia Hu
pubblicato da Jessica Kingsley Publishers

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Starring a loveable piglet named Sprinkle, this is a comforting picture book to read with children aged 4-10 coming to terms with losing or being separated from someone they love. Sprinkle gets so sad that he cries a river of tears, then happy memories give him strength. Includes a guide for grown ups and a therapeutic activity.

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Generi Children » Acrivity Books & Early learning » Animal Stories , Social Sciences » Sociology , Parenting & Family » Adoption

Editore Jessica Kingsley Publishers

Formato Paperback / softback

Pubblicato 21/11/2017

Pagine 40

Lingua Inglese

Isbn o codice id 9781785927690

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How Sprinkle the Pig Escaped the River of Tears

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