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How To Draw Unicorns And Cute Animals For Kids

Steve Pencil
pubblicato da Stefano Tumiati

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You Are 1-Click Away From Helping Your Child Unlock His/Her Creative Juices Coloring And Drawing Unicorns And Cute Animals!

Children have wild imaginations. That's why they love fantasy, with cartoons featuring unicorns and cute animals being top on the list of the favorite for many kids. If your little one can watch programs like My Little Pony and others featuring some unicorns and cute animals for hours on end, it is time to get him/her to do something more constructive by introducing him/her to drawing and coloring books!

Think about it, with a drawing and coloring book featuring these characters, you can rest assured that he/she will be glued to it for hours as he/she tries to draw and color his/her favorite unicorn or cute animal. This will not only help them learn, you also improve their concentration, motor skills and get him/her off the TV and other electronic devices!

And this book offers just that and much more! With lots of cute animals and unicorns to draw and color, you can rest assured that your kids will love naming the cute animals, drawing and then coloring them and making all manner of funny expressions and sounds to mimic the unicorns and the cute animals!

Here is a little detail about the book:

  • 20 tutorials so you will definitely learn how to draw many different animals and unicorns
  • Simple step-by-step instructions on how to draw unicorns as well as how to draw cute animals
  • Every image is broken into simple steps with basic shapes that you can easily follow.
  • It is a perfect activity book for use when the weather outside is not favorable for play
  • It is a great way to ensure that your child remains entertained as you travel
  • It has some of the best animals that children love to see
  • The animals are drawn in different sizes and shapes to encourage creativity
  • It provides the basic knowledge you need to draw so after learning how to draw with this book, you gain some confidence to draw other animals and things you love
  • High quality printing paper that you can use marker, pencil, crayons, pen etc. and do all manner of things without messing the paper, tearing it up and more
  • A perfect size that you can carry with you everywhere as it fits perfectly in small pockets
  • And much more!

If your child loves to draw and you would want them to develop this passion further, this is a great gift for them.

Scroll up to the top of this page and click Buy Now to have a book that your child can learn to draw and color amazing animals.

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Generi Architettura Design e Moda » Architettura e Urbanistica » Opere generali

Editore Stefano Tumiati

Formato Ebook (senza DRM)

Pubblicato 08/11/2020

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781393881995

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How To Draw Unicorns And Cute Animals For Kids

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