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How To Repair Your iPhone - Quickly and Professionally!

David Roster
pubblicato da Shaharm Publications

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This book is for anyone who has dropped or otherwise broken their iPhone and wants to know how to fix it without the extortionate costs charged by many repair services.

When you initially look at your iPhone you may feel overwhelmed by the thought of repairing it, as it looks complex and difficult. However, that's not the case and this book gives you simple, step by step methods to repairing your own iPhone without the cost if a professional service.

Discover quick and easy tips and tricks today, for repairing and looking after your iPhone!

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Generi Informatica e Web » Linguaggi e Applicazioni » Programmazione e sviluppo del software » Sistemi operativi » Hardware » Digital Life » Computer portatili » Telefoni cellulari e Smartphone

Editore Shaharm Publications

Formato Ebook (senza DRM)

Pubblicato 01/06/2016

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781533791412

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How To Repair Your iPhone - Quickly and Professionally!

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