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How You Ruined My Life

Jeff Strand
pubblicato da Sourcebooks

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-13 %

A new hilarious novel from the author of The Greatest Zombie Movie Ever and Stranger Things Have Happened.

Rod's life doesn't suck. If you ask him, it's pretty awesome. He may not be popular, but he and his best friends play in a band that has a standing gig. Yeah, it's Monday night and they don't get paid, but they can turn the volume up as loud as they want. And Rod's girlfriend is hot, smart, and believes in their bandbelieves in Rod. Aside from a winning lottery ticket, what more could he ask for?

Answer: A different cousin. When Rod's scheming, two-faced cousin Blake moves in for the semester, Rod tries to keep calm. Blake seems to have everyone else fooled with good manners and suave smile, except Rod knows better. Blake is taking over his room, taking over his band, taking over his life! But Rod's not about to give up without a fight. Game on. May the best prankster win

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Editore Sourcebooks

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 03/04/2018

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781492662037

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How You Ruined My Life

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