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How to Prune Fruit Trees

Georgia Sales
pubblicato da Echo Point Books

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Make the right cut every time and maximize your fruit productioncovers over forty varieties of trees from apples to almonds and plums to pomegranates.

Note: If you would like to see the Echo Point paperback version of How to Prune Fruit Trees*, please search ISBN 1626549540.*

While the act of pruning is simple enough, knowing where and when to prune can confound even experienced gardeners. For more than half a century, Robert Sanford Martin's How to Prune Fruit Trees has been the go-to guide for pruners of all levels of expertise. As one reviewer noted, "This book simplifies what other books complicate. It has a small amount of text paired with line drawings that help break pruning tasks down into something you can easily understand." Martin has judiciously pruned his words to make his advice as clear and simple as possible. His guidance in the art of cutting back and thinning out has been responsible for the preservation of countless healthy trees and orchards.

In this enhanced edition, additional information from H. H. Thomas's Pruning Made Easy explores the treatment of roots, side shoots, sub-laterals, standards, cordon trees, and other aspects of plant care. Well illustrated and clear, this book is an indispensable guide for year-round pruning success for both seasoned and amateur gardeners.

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Editore Echo Point Books

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 01/08/2021

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781648371103

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How to Prune Fruit Trees

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