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How to Spot a Mermaid - Jane Yolen
How to Spot a Mermaid - Jane Yolen

How to Spot a Mermaid

Jane Yolen
pubblicato da Chronicle Books LLC

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-17 %

From award-winning and beloved author Jane Yolen, this delightful picture book is a funny and endearing field guide to the unique world of mermaids.

Would you like to spot a mermaid? If so, you will need a few supplies and a great deal of patience.

As we learn in these informative illustrated pages, mermaids are very shy and do not make friends easily. But if you find a place near the water, sit very still, and are willing to share your Goldfish crackers, you just might be lucky enough to catch a glimpse of one. And who knows . . . there may even be a mermaid, somewhere, hoping to catch a glimpse of you, too!

Mermaid fans and science-minded young readers alike will love the step-by-step guidance in How to Spot a Mermaid, a clever how-to book that celebrates the magic in the world around us and helps us to let our imaginations run wild and swim the line between reality and fiction.

FOR IMAGINATIVE EXPLORERS: Binoculars, map, pad, and pencheck. The main character who leads the way on this mermaid search is an engaged young scientist doing exciting fieldwork. She is at the ready for real-world observational science with all the tools she needsincluding a sense of curiosity!

ENVIRONMENTAL BOOK FOR KIDS: Preservation of our wildernessand our waterways in particularis essential, and this book makes a great, upbeat starting point for discussions of the importance and wonder of our world's natural habitats and ecosystems.

GORGEOUS UNDERWATER WORLD: This captivating marine life book illuminates the amazing biodiversity and wonder of our world's waterways by telling the story of one curious kid's search for an ever-elusive mermaid.

Perfect for:

  • Young readers who love mermaid tales and nature books
  • Parents and grandparents looking for books that spark imagination and curiosity
  • Educators looking for books that model fieldwork, observational science, and STEM themes in a fun way
  • Fans of Jane Yolen books, including the How Do Dinosaurs series, Owl Moon, and What To Do With a Box
  • Fans of books illustrated by Sally Deng, including Warrior Princess: The Story of Khutulun and Jella Lepman and Her Library of Dreams
  • Readers who love How to Catch a Mermaid, The World of Emily Windsnap, and The Little Mermaid Stories

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Generi Bambini e Ragazzi » Narrativa » Horror e fantasmi » Fantasy e magia » Narrativa

Editore Chronicle Books Llc

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 29/04/2025

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781797223780

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How to Spot a Mermaid

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