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How to Win

pubblicato da Guardian Faber Publishing

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"I saw men under pressure. I saw men succeed and more men fail. I always wondered where the difference lay."
What separates the good from the truly great players? How do football managers get the best out of their team? How do you come back from a crushing defeat to win?
In an inspirational, funny and thought-provoking new book, The Secret Footballer teams up with The Secret Psychologist to crack the secrets of success and share with us the tricks and tips that keep the top players at the top of their game. Exploring the winning mindset from confidence to concentration, exposing the successes, the failures and the frauds, this book will shock and entertain. And while most of us will never dribble like Messi or strike like Suarez, we can learn to think like them.
How To Win is the thinking fan's handbook for those who want to win. At football or at life.

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Generi Sport » Altri sport » Calcio

Editore Guardian Faber Publishing

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 03/01/2017

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781783351251

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How to Win

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