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Nia wakes up and starts her day like normal. She wakes up dancing to her favorite song. Her mother has made her a wonderful breakfast. Her dad has said his morning joke. And her brother Hunter has still managed to annoy her. She heads out of the door and catches the bus with her best friend Courtney. When they arrive at school, Nia thinks about her crush, Brian Holloway. That is when she notices something in the sky. It is like a falling star. It is shining bright and flying in the sky. She gets Nia's attention and both of the girls look at the flying object in amazement. They do not believe what they are looking at. The object crashes in the woods by the school. Later that day at lunch, the girls plan to make a trip to the woods and find out exactly what it is that they have seen. They believe that they could become famous from discovering the object. That night, when the girls get done with everything for the night, they sneak out of the house and head to the woods. They discover something that looks like a shining horizontal beam in the middle of the woods. When they get closer they discover that there are pictures on the beam. Nia touches one and ends up at her seven year old birthday party. Courtney touches the picture too and ends up at the same place. The girls are shocked when they discovered that they have been transported to the picture. Nia's Brother Hunter notices them and threatens to rat them out. But the girls run away in time and end up back to the streak in the woods. Courtney accidentally touches a picture of her at her swim meet. She is transported to that exact moment. Nia touches the picture to follow Courtney. Her mom from the past stops her in her tracks. She plays it off and finds Courtney. The girls both take the long walk back to the woods by the school. Once there, they decide to go all of the way to the end of the streak. They see the last picture, which is a picture of them in the middle of the road right before they go to the woods for the first time. They both touch the picture at the same time, and the girls end up back at their homes.

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Generi Bambini e Ragazzi » Racconti » Narrativa » Narrativa

Editore Charles Thornton

Formato Ebook (senza DRM)

Pubblicato 29/06/2014

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781311507396

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