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If We Were Heroes

Christine Anna Kirchoff
pubblicato da Evernight Teen

Prezzo online:

Can Ember control the monster inside her?

Her father is the terrorist who released a virus that devastated most of the world and created vampire zombies. The cure is in her veins, and she's sacrificed her freedom to find a vaccine. Now, Ember holds the last mutated strain in her blood, and the government votes whether to keep her alive or kill her.

A film crew arrives to document her story, and it may be her only chance to sway the vote. However, an unexpected kiss leads to an infection that may start another worldwide outbreak. Ember must fight the effects of the darkness inside her to keep from turning into the monster.

Will that be enough to save her life or will she start an apocalypse just like her father?

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Generi Non definito

Editore Evernight Teen

Formato Ebook (senza DRM)

Pubblicato 26/11/2021

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9780369504739

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If We Were Heroes

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