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If the Boot Fits - Karen Witemeyer
If the Boot Fits - Karen Witemeyer

Audiolibro If the Boot Fits

Karen Witemeyer
pubblicato da Recorded Books, Inc.

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One fateful night will change their destinies forever.

Convinced that his stepmother and half brothers have been wrongfully evicted by cattle king Eli Dearing, Asher Ellis uses the cover of an extravagant ball to break into the Three Cedars' ranch house to search for proof. On the verge of discovery, he flees, but a boy's cry compels him to make a daring rescue.

Spunky and independent Samantha Dearing balks when she learns the ball her father is hosting is nothing more than a matrimonial ambush. Taking a break from unwanted suitors, Samantha spots a thief fleeing her home. When the stranger ends up saving her brother's life, she hides the only clue to his identity left behindhis bootand resolves to find him herself.

When Samantha encounters the older brother of a student she tutors, all thoughts of the bootless mystery man vanish. Asher values family above wealth, a rare trait that opens her heart. Afraid she will discover his past misconduct, Asher tries to keep his distance, but when a series of suspicious accidents befall her, he vows to protect her, even though saving her life could mean losing her love.

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Generi Romanzi e letteratura » Contemporanei

Editore Recorded Books, Inc.

Formato Audiolibro

Durata 12:02.23

Pubblicato 12/03/2024

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9798891786035

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If the Boot Fits

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