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Immortal Trust

Claire Ashgrove
pubblicato da Tor Books

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Immortal Trust is the third book in Claire Ashgrove's exciting series about sexy Knights Templar and the modern women they will do anything to protect.
When archaeologist Chloe Broussard accepts the contract to lead a dig in Ornes, France, she has no idea she will uncover the Veil of Veronica. When she does, she discovers a danger far greater than the demonic presence stalking her at night. Azazel wants her, as well as the Veronica, and his chosen minion is her brother. Her hope lies with immortal Templar Knight Lucan. Her life depends on oaths she knows nothing about.
For countless centuries, Lucan of Seacourt has lived with the knowledge that his brother killed their family. Now, as Azazel's darkness eats away at his soul, old betrayal stirs suspicion. He trusts no one. Not even the seraph who can heal his dying spirit.
With the fate of the Almighty hanging in the balance, Lucan must find faith in something more terrifying than the dark lord's creations. He must learn to believe his heart.

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Generi Romanzi e Letterature » Rosa

Editore Tor Books

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 04/06/2024

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781429948661

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