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In Search of Equilibrium

Theresa Lola
pubblicato da Nine Arches Press

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Theresa Lola's debut poetry collection In Search of Equilibrium is an extraordinary and exacting study of death and grieving. Where the algorithms of the body and the memory fail, Lola finds the words that will piece together the binary code of family and restart the recovery program. In doing so, these unflinching poems work towards the hard-wired truths of life itself - finding hope in survival, lines of rescue in faith, a stubborn equilibrium in the equations of loss and renewal.

"Theresa Lola's poems never fail to surprise with her breath-taking ability to create unexpected imagery; they never fail to move as she laments the last years of a loved one; and they never fail to delight with the transformative and healing power of poetry to create beauty." - Bernardine Evaristo

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Generi Romanzi e Letterature » Poesia

Editore Nine Arches Press

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 28/02/2019

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781911027768

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In Search of Equilibrium

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