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Inclusive Housing Management and Community Wellbeing - Kwok-yu Edward Lee - Wai-wan Vivien Chan
Inclusive Housing Management and Community Wellbeing - Kwok-yu Edward Lee - Wai-wan Vivien Chan

Inclusive Housing Management and Community Wellbeing

Kwok-yu Edward Lee - Wai-wan Vivien Chan
pubblicato da Springer Nature Singapore

Prezzo online:
-10 %

This book examines the contributory role of inclusive housing management services in safeguarding the living environment, empowering neighborhoods, sustaining lovable home, building social capital, fostering community wellbeing and social sustainability from the perspective of the sociology of housing. By repositioning professional housing management as an important driving force in community building, this book argues that the community-initiated inclusive housing management model has been acting as a cornerstone in enhancing a sense of belonging, cultural renewal, environmental sustainability, social integration and community cohesion particularly in cities with high density and compact development. This case study in Hong Kong will make an important contribution to interdisciplinary research in urban sociology, business management, community development, leadership building and environmental health. This study also contributes to the international literature on the dynamics of neighborhood and community governance by addressing the concrete local community initiatives and collaborative management practices in meeting the ever-changing environmental, social and health risks in Hong Kong and beyond. It will be of value to scholars researching on housing management and inclusive community building in world cities globally.

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Inclusive Housing Management and Community Wellbeing

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