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Information Technologies and Intelligent Decision Making Systems
Information Technologies and Intelligent Decision Making Systems

Information Technologies and Intelligent Decision Making Systems

pubblicato da Springer Nature Switzerland

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-10 %

This book constitutes selected papers presented at the First International Scientific and Practical Conference on Information Technologies and Intelligent Decision Making Systems, ITIDMS 2021, held as Virtual Event in January, 2021.

The 13 presented papers were thoroughly reviewed and selected from the 41 submissions. The conference was held with the aim of summarizing international experience in the field of information, digital and intellectual development, within which proposals were formulated for digital and information transformation, the development of computer models, information technologies, automated and computing processes. A distinctive feature of the conference is that it presented reports of authors from China, Uzbekistan, Lebanon, Poland, Kazakhstan, Bulgaria and Russia. Researchers from different countries presented the process of transition of the information and digital path of development, presented the main directions and developments that can improve the efficiency and development.

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Generi Informatica e Web » Linguaggi e Applicazioni » Hardware » Comunicazione e reti informatiche » Programmazione e sviluppo del software » Scienza dei calcolatori » Digital Life » Video digitale

Editore Springer Nature Switzerland

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 09/12/2022

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9783031213403

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Information Technologies and Intelligent Decision Making Systems

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