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Inoperative Learning

Tyson Lewis
pubblicato da Taylor & Francis

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Inoperative Learning embodies a weak philosophy of education. It does not offer a set of solutions or guidelines for improving educational outcomes, but rather renders taken-for-granted assumptions about the theory-practice coupling inoperative. By arguing that such logic reduces education to instrumental ends, this book presents a challenge to contemporary notions of education as outcomesbased, goal-directed learning. From the perspective of learning, the neutralization of progress, growth, and maturity would usually be seen as obstacles needing to be overcome on the path toward set goals. Yet Lewis argues that a serious investigation of inoperativity opens up possibilities that would be otherwise unavailable in a world fixated on the question of learning. In dialogue with philosophers (Agamben, Benjamin, and Esposito), authors (Kafka and Walser) and qualitative researchers (Lather), Lewis turns our collective attention to what remains when concepts such as learning, child development, teacher effectivity, and personal growth are left idle.

Inoperative Learning presents a radical rewriting of educational possibilities. It should therefore be of great interest to educational researchers and educational philosophers concerned with the question of alternative logics of education beyond learning. The book may also be of interest to theorists in the critical humanities that are engaged in education as a thematic concern in their research and classroom practices.

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Generi Famiglia Scuola e Università » Educazione, Scuola e Università

Editore Taylor & Francis

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 16/10/2017

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781315395685

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Inoperative Learning

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