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Inspector French: The End of Andrew Harrison (Inspector French, Book 14)

Freeman Wills Crofts
pubblicato da HarperCollins Publishers

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A classic crime novel by Freeman Wills Crofts, 'The King of Detective Story Writers', featuring Inspector French, coming soon to television.

Becoming the social secretary for millionaire financier Andrew Harrison sounded like the dream job: just writing a few letters and making amiable conversation, with luxurious accommodation thrown in. But Markham Crewe had not reckoned on the unpopularity of his employer, especially within his own household, where animosity bordered on sheer hatred. When Harrison is found dead on his Henley houseboat, Crewe is not the only one to doubt the verdict of suicide. Inspector French is another

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Generi Romanzi e Letterature » Gialli, mistery e noir » Narrativa d'ambientazione storica » Classici , Gialli Noir e Avventura » Gialli, mistery e noir » Romanzi storici » Gialli storici

Editore Harpercollins Publishers

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 01/09/2022

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9780008554071

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Inspector French: The End of Andrew Harrison (Inspector French, Book 14)

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