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Jaguars: The Ultimate Jaguar Book for Kids

Jenny Kellett
pubblicato da Jenny Kellett

Prezzo online:

Is your child obsessed with jaguars?! Then they'll love learning more about their favourite American feline in Jaguars: The Ultimate Jaguar Book for Kids! Featuring over 100 exciting jaguar facts illustrated with beautiful hi-res photos and a fun quiz and word search puzzle, this interactive book is perfect for jaguar-loving readers aged 9+.

Topics include:

  • Jaguar Characteristics
  • Jaguars and Humans
  • Jaguar Conservation
  • Life as a young jaguar
  • Jaguar Diet

And much more

The content is challenging enough for curious learners, while the visual imagery brings the more challenging concepts to life, making it suitable for earlier readers.

Jaguar facts sample:

  • Jaguars have the most powerful bite of all big cat species in relation to body weight.
  • Jaguars are the largest cats living in the Americas, and third-largest cats in the world.
  • International Jaguar Day is celebrated on 29 November every year.
  • Jaguars love to swim!
  • Jaguars are opportunistic carnivores, which means they only eat meatand aren't too fussy about what type of meat!

Learn these facts and many more in Jaguars: The Ultimate Jaguar Book for Kids. Scroll up to order your copy today.

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Generi Bambini e Ragazzi » Scienza, spazio e natura » Animali domestici » Animali selvaggi » Educativi » Scienze, spazio e natura

Editore Jenny Kellett

Formato Ebook (senza DRM)

Pubblicato 20/08/2022

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9786197695090

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Jaguars: The Ultimate Jaguar Book for Kids

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