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Jesus Is Coming Back!

Debby Anderson
pubblicato da Crossway

Prezzo online:
-13 %

For Kids

While Jesus is getting Heaven ready for us, we are getting ready for Him!

Jesus promised to come back and take us to live with Him forever in Heaven. We will get to see His face every day. Won't that be wonderful?

Until then, we can get ready for Jesus by praying and making sure we belong to Him. We should also read the Bible and do the things He said to do-help people, be joyful, and share the story of Jesus with others so they can go to Heaven too!

For Adults

The Bible promises that Jesus will come back someday for His children-and it can happen at any time! When children understand this concept, they will come to anticipate Christ's return and live in a loving way that honors Him.

Debby Anderson's colorful book is a simple way to teach young children about Jesus' return. As readers travel through a child's day, they will develop a consciousness of the awesome reality that any moment they could be face to face with Jesus Christ. They will learn what this means for the way they live every day. Jesus Is Coming Back! teaches children to be expectant and joyful about the return of their Savior.

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Generi Famiglia Scuola e Università » Libri Scuola

Editore Crossway

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 02/11/2005

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781433529184

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Jesus Is Coming Back!

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