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Journey of the Giants

Maj. Gene Gurney
pubblicato da Valmy Publishing

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The story of the B-29 Superfortthe weapon that won the war in the Pacific.

Major Gurney writes about B-29 operations in the Pacific, asserting that this aircraft was instrumental in forcing the Japanese to surrender.

Much has been written about this great airplane, because any account of the devastating fire raids on Japan or of the dramatic beginnings of atomic warfare would be incomplete without telling the story of the B-29s which figured so prominently in these missions. But there is also an exciting story behind that storythe story of the giant bomber's journey from the drawing boards of its designers to the day when out of the bomb bay of the "Enola Gay" tumbled the fantastic new weapon that, with a blinding flash and unprecedented power, brought about the dawn of the nuclear age. That is the story which Gene Gurney tells in Journey of the Giants, and he tells it well.

The book ends with the historic scene on the battleship Missouri which signified the end of the war in the Pacific and, with it, the end of World War II. But while this was the climax in the B-29's long journey, it was by no means its end. B-29s continued to serve a variety of important peacetime missions; they did their share in the development and testing of advanced nuclear weapons and, in the Korean War, added new battle honors to those gained in the Pacific.Thomas S. Power, General, USAF, Commander in Chief, Strategic Air Command

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Generi Storia e Biografie » Storia delle Americhe » Storia militare » Storia dell'Europa

Editore Valmy Publishing

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 19/07/2017

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781787207097

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Journey of the Giants

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