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Judgement of the Six Series Bundle, Books 1-3

Melissa Haag
pubblicato da Melissa Haag

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Every millennia, six uniquely gifted women are born to keep the balance between the races. While humans think they are alone, the werewolves are barely surviving. Their numbers were cut long ago by an event they no longer remember. An event started by a third race that remains hidden, biding their time until the war between the three can start anew. The time for Judgement has begun again.

This bundle contains Books 1-3:
Hope(less) -
In a world filled with people, Gabby is uniquely alone. The tiny glowing sparks filling her mind confirm it. Her thirst for answers leads her into a hidden society of werewolves where she learns she's one of six unique women who play a special role in shaping the future of our world.

(Mis)fortune -
Kept prisoner for the predictions that tormented her, Michelle meekly follows orders, waiting for her opportunity to run. After witnessing her captor grow canines, she knows there's nowhere she can hide forever, and no one who can protect her. Unless she can find someone just like him...

(Un)wise -
The dreams start and Bethi's very normal life goes down the toilet. Reliving past lives, where Dog-men chase her and she sees her eventual tormented death, Bethi sets out to find a way to live this time around. The dreams hint at an answer. She needs to be strong enough to find it, or die...

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Generi Romanzi e Letterature » Rosa

Editore Melissa Haag

Formato Ebook (senza DRM)

Pubblicato 05/06/2016

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781943051007

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Judgement of the Six Series Bundle, Books 1-3

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