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Juggling Between Life and Death - Françoise Rochais
Juggling Between Life and Death - Françoise Rochais

Audiolibro Juggling Between Life and Death

Françoise Rochais
pubblicato da Max Milo Editions

Prezzo online:

This is the story of a little majorette from Vendée who, starting from nothing, juggled two sticks, then three, then seven, and became world juggling champion in Las Vegas. It's also the story of a child, then an abused woman, who clings to this art with such strength and virtuosity that she goes on to work non-stop in the world's greatest cabarets. Shy, solitary and trapped in an unbearable sense of unease, Françoise flings her sticks before the astonished eyes of the audience in order to fight the demons rumbling inside her. Françoise's absolute desire to live and transcend her wounds lead her to forgive her rapists. For her, only two goals mattered: to live at peace with herself and to give herself the chance to meet her soulmate. Her exceptional testimony speaks of a path that it is possible to take after having lived through the worst. Perseverance, overcoming and rebuilding are all avenues of hope for those who, from an early age, have suffered unbearable violence and, with unsuspected courage, have always refused to let themselves be trapped in it.

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Editore Max Milo Editions

Formato Audiolibro

Durata 07:06.46

Pubblicato 11/07/2024

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9782315019298

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Juggling Between Life and Death

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