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Jungle Girl Omnibus - Doug Murray - Frank Cho
Jungle Girl Omnibus - Doug Murray - Frank Cho

Jungle Girl Omnibus

Doug Murray - Frank Cho
pubblicato da Dynamite Entertainment

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This collection features issues 0-5 of the acclaimed mini-series, Jungle Girl by Frank Cho, Doug Murray and Adriano Batista, issues 1-5 of the hit sequel, Jungle Girl: Season 2, and a complete cover gallery featuring the art of Frank Cho and Adriano Batista!Experience adventure like never before as Frank Cho (Mighty Avengers), Doug Murray (Red Sonja, The 'Nam) and Adriano Batista (Red Sonja, Jennifer Blood) present JUNGLE GIRL! Action, excitement, twists and thrills await as Jana, the undisputed queen of the jungle, travels from the heart of a mysterious jungle to the depths of an uncharted sea to battle dinosaurs, cannibals, mermen and sea monsters in an attempt to save a band of stranded outsiders on the savage island that she calls home!

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Generi Fumetti » Graphic Novel , Romanzi e Letterature » Narrativa a Fumetti

Editore Dynamite Entertainment

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 18/07/2012

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781524117566

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Jungle Girl Omnibus

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