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Just Another Flaming Christmas

Darren Hobson
pubblicato da BookRix

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There is a time in the year where the real reason of the festivities has been forgotten and a senseless celebration and a never-ending chain of commercial events takes place. Here in this collection of seasonal poems the poet takes you on a trip through the bad and good that is Christmas , a ride that takes in the beauty and the cruelty that has blighted all the magic that once was paramount to this time of year.

This is the poets second trip through Christmas his humour and English wit is still strong as ever as we read through the verses that will either bring tears of joy or tears of sadness, we should all take note of how far Christmas has travelled from what it once was.

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Generi Romanzi e Letterature » Poesia , Hobby e Tempo libero » Umorismo » Libri per ridere e collezioni umoristiche

Editore Bookrix

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 06/12/2017

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9783743844643

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Just Another Flaming Christmas

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