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Seventeen-year-old Luca has a credit card, a gun, and an ugly pink suitcase on its last legshe also has a plan. He'll hold Danny's credit card for ransom and use the money to get out of the city, return the gun to its rightful owner and hope he doesn't notice the missing bullet, and keep the ugly suitcase from getting stolen. Again. And don't fall for Danny.

Stranded in the city, Danny has no choice but to accept Luca's help. Though extortion is a more accurate word. Roaming the snowy city streets on Christmas together, Danny learns that there's more to Luca than the cold, homeless boy holding his credit card hostage.

When Luca's crew catches up to them, Danny finds himself at the wrong place at the wrong time and manages to avoid getting shot. But the life-altering experience leaves him questioning everything he's hidden behind his heart, including the fact that he likes boysLuca in particular. Done hiding that fact from God and his father, Danny finds the courage to stand up for himself and opens his heart to Luca.

Now all they have to do is survive the night.

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Generi Non definito

Editore Evernight Teen

Formato Ebook (senza DRM)

Pubblicato 16/09/2022

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9780369506832

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Just Like Us

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