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Just Off Message A 20th year anthology

David P Reiter
pubblicato da Interactive Press

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For 100 years, the astounding story of Anzac horsemen, cameleers, aviators, rough riders, medics, vets, light and armoured cars hasn't been told. Until now. Championed by Australia's Lieutenant General Sir Harry Chauvel they overcame early feeble British political and military incompetence. Fast, open conflict, rather than septic trenches, suited their outback upbringing. Part of the Egyptian Expeditionary Force, they recovered the Holy Land after 730 years of Muslim control, even saving Lawrence of Arabia and his cause. Their stunning victory at the Battle of Beersheba was the last mass mounted charge of modern times. The 'great ride' offensive of the Desert Mounted Corps, with 30,000 horsemen, destroyed the Ottoman Empire and wreaked vengeance for Gallipoli. This is the first detailed account of the extraordinary military campaign that set the stage for today's Middle East. Dearberg's Anzac trilogy on World War I is now complete Gallipoli, France, Palestine.

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Generi Storia e Biografie » Storia di altri terrritori

Editore Interactive Press

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 18/03/2024

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781925231618

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Just Off Message A 20th year anthology

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