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Just for Show - Tawna Fenske
Just for Show - Tawna Fenske

Audiolibro Just for Show

Tawna Fenske
pubblicato da Tawna Fenske

Prezzo online:

Only in my world does the family screwup have a police record and three Oscars.

And only a screwup like me would be nuts enough to fall for a cop.

Not just any cop.

Amy's the police chief in this small town my family built from scratch.

We've got a reality TV spotlight scanning our every move.

No way will the perfect girl next door take a chance on me.

I've heard she's got a brother behind bars, so guys with rap sheets are off limits.

The thing is, I've changed.

My family might hover like I'm ready to flop face-first off the wagon.

But I'm doing great, and I plan to prove it to Amy.

We laugh like crazy together, but there's more between us.

I'm sure of it.

Between bedazzled thongs, a hilariously raunchy text mishap, and sexy handcuff games,

I'm determined to break down her walls.

Except the harder I try to show I'm a new man,

the more I know Chief Lovelin locked up my heart and chucked the key.

One-click this lighthearted, opposites attract rom-com about a reformed bad boy black sheep who falls for the cop intent on keeping his family's small town safeand her heart locked away from him.

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Generi Romanzi e Letterature » Romanzi contemporanei » Rosa , Passione e Sentimenti » Romanzi rosa , Hobby e Tempo libero » Umorismo » Libri per ridere e collezioni umoristiche

Editore Tawna Fenske

Formato Audiolibro

Durata 07:11.06

Pubblicato 09/02/2024

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 1230007439445

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Just for Show

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