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Kaktusler Dikenler ve Çiçekler

Ik erifsoy
pubblicato da Ceres Yaynlar

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Ik erifsoy, an experienced businesswoman and business coach, presents a sincere and elaborate roadmap for "bossess" in her first book Cacti, Thorns and Blossoms

Through the eyes of a coach, an employee and an executive, Cacti, Thorns and Blossoms gives executive teams aiming to turn employee potential into performance, a chance to think and analyze the big picture and their place in it.

The metaphor of the cactus famous for its thorns and resilience brings attention to what you can accomplish and how you can blossom despite your thorns when you actualize a few HUMAN-oriented solutions.

If you are looking for a source of information with a few thorns excuses, reasons, delays, learned despairs and plenty of blossoms productivity, happy employees, high performance and profit we invite you to our first page.

(Tantm Bulteninden)

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Generi Economia Diritto e Lavoro » Economia » Economia, altri titoli

Editore Ceres Yaynlar

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 01/01/2001

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9786257023221

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