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Kate Pearce Bundle: Simply Sexual, Simply Sinful & Simply Shameless

Kate Pearce
pubblicato da Kensington

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Simply Sexual

Ten years as a sex slave in a Turkish brothel left Lord Valentin Sokorvsky with an insatiable appetite for sex. Now the time has come for him to marry, but finding a woman who can satisfy his lustful desires proves a challenge. . .until he meets Sara and all he can think about is having her lie under his rock-hard body, begging him to taste and touch her. . .

Sara Harrison knows she should be shocked and scandalized by Lord Sokorvsky's bold advances, but instead she is secretly aroused by this sensual, seductive man. For beneath her calm and composed manner is a wanton woman who longs for a man's intimate caress. She is most willing to be educated in the art of sensuality, to receive and give pleasure and to succumb to the wild desire that knows no limits. . .

Simply Sinful

Forced to wed at a young age, Abigail Beecham is tired of living in a sexless marriage. She longs to succumb to the delicious pleasures of pure carnal lust that she has only read about. And if her husband can't satisfy her physical needs, she's ready to find a man who can. . .

Peter Howard is accustomed to unusual sexual requests. His ten years as a slave in a Turkish brothel left him skilled in sensual delights. But there is little that actually arouses him--until he meets Abigail. Now he longs to tease and torment her until she cries out with pleasure. Maybe then he'll finally experience that exquisite feeling of bliss he so desperately desires. . .

Simply Shameless

One forbidden weekend years ago, Helene Delornay found herself stranded with a total stranger. Bold, virile, and well-schooled in the sensual arts, Philip Ross opened Helene's eyes to a world of sexual delight she never knew existed. Now proprietress of London's most exclusive house of pleasure, Helene never forgot the carnal bliss she shared with Philipand she never found another man who could satisfy the insatiable cravings he awakened within her. . .

When Philip suddenly returns to Helene's life, the physical attraction they share is far too strong for either to deny. Now as they explore their fantasies and take them beyond the limit, Helene discovers that her feelings for Philip run far deeper than that of just a lover. . .

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Generi Romanzi e Letterature » Rosa » Romanzi contemporanei , Passione e Sentimenti » Romanzi rosa d'ambientazione storica

Editore Kensington

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 01/02/2012

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9780758286512

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Kate Pearce Bundle: Simply Sexual, Simply Sinful & Simply Shameless

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