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Katherine's Story, 1848

Adele Whitby
pubblicato da Simon Spotlight

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Trouble is brewing at Vandermeer Manor and it is up to Katherine and Elizabeth to reveal the truth before it's too late in the fourth book of a fascinating historical fiction series.

Twins Katherine and Elizabeth Chatswood are on their way to visit their distant relatives at Vandermeer Manor in Rhode Island. Wedding bells will soon be ringing for their father's cousin, John Vandermeer, in the most magnificent event on either side of the ocean since the twins' birthday ball a few months ago.

John Vandermeer's fianceƩ is the famous writer, Anna DuMay. The girls are instantly struck by her kindness and independent nature. Anna is a woman at the forefront of the social changes beginning to take place in America and she has many friends who attended the Seneca Falls Women's Rights Convention that summer.

But then something very precious inside the manor gets vandalized, and the groom threatens to call the wedding off, believing that Anna might have had something to do with it. Everyone is devastated, but the truth has a way of coming to light. The twins don't know it yet, but they might hold the key that will set true love back on its destined course.

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Editore Simon Spotlight

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 26/08/2014

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781481418454

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