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Keep Chewing Till It Stops Kicking

Steve Graham
pubblicato da Citadel Press

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-13 %

Yo, this is Hal the Caveman coming at you. I lived 5 million years ago in what's now known as Chicken Bend, Arkansas. As a hobby, I drew pictures on the walls of my cave, showing what life was like back in the day. Then some egghead spotted my artwork and found a way to translate it into modern English.
Thrill as I describe how dinosaurs used my relatives as throw pillows! Read with awe as I reveal the importance of not ending up as part of a velociraptor turd! Share the joy as I relate how we accidentally invented the missionary position when Tamuk tripped over a tree root and fell on top of his cousin, Twin Moons.
See how caveman really felt about: Family Life: "Kids and food. . .it's important to know the difference."
Clothing: "Sometimes back hair just isn't enough."
Fighting: "Like rugby with spears."

And for all you aspiring Fred Flinstones, I'll be offering up some modern-day wisdom, like redoing your apartment, Miocene-era style, and hosting your own caveman-themed barbeques and weekend retreats.
Praise For Steve Graham's The Good, The Spam, And The Ugly
"Gleefully offensive."--Publishers Weekly
"Thanks for using a pseudonym." --Steve's father

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Generi Hobby e Tempo libero » Umorismo » Libri per ridere e collezioni umoristiche

Editore Citadel Press

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 20/11/2014

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9780806537870

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