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Keto Diet: Everything You Need To Know - Marin Patricia - Rachel Hudson
Keto Diet: Everything You Need To Know - Marin Patricia - Rachel Hudson

Audiolibro Keto Diet: Everything You Need To Know

Marin Patricia - Rachel Hudson
pubblicato da Rachel Hudson

Prezzo online:

Marin Patricia, the voice behind the highly acclaimed website Health and Happiness, brings an entirely new approach to achieving health, healing, weight loss, and happiness through a keto-adapted lifestyle with Keto Diet: Everything You need to know.

For too long we've blamed dietary fat for weight gain and health problems. The truth is, a diet that's high in natural, healthy fats can actually help your body burn fat! That's the secret behind the ketogenic diet. As you get more of your calories from healthy fats and cut back on carbs, you'll start burning fat, losing weight, and feeling strong and energetic - without feeling hungry or deprived.

The Keto Diet does away with the "one size fits all" philosophy offering a customizable approach that is tailored to the unique needs of the individual. Leanne provides the tools to empower everyone to develop a personalized nutrition plan, offering limitless options while taking away the many restrictions of a traditional ketogenic diet.

A one-stop guide to the ketogenic way of eating, The Keto Diet shows you how to transition to and maintain a whole foods-based, paleo-friendly, ketogenic diet with a key focus on practical strategies - and tons of mouthwatering recipes.

It includes 125 healthy and delicious whole-food recipes that will help your body burn fat, including:

  • Chicken Crisps
  • Bacon-Wrapped Mini Meatloafs
  • Keto Sandwich Bread
  • Waldorf-Stuffed Tomatoes

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Generi Scienza e Tecnica » Medicina , Salute Benessere Self Help » Alimentazione e Diete

Editore Rachel Hudson

Formato Audiolibro

Durata 00:57.06

Pubblicato 11/07/2020

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9788835863786

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Keto Diet: Everything You Need To Know

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