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Keto Diet - Timothy Brown
Keto Diet - Timothy Brown

Audiolibro Keto Diet

Timothy Brown
pubblicato da Rachel Hudson

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From the author of the national best-seller The Complete Anti-Inflammatory diet**, a 30-day** healthy plan - including more than 80 delicious recipes - to burn fat, fight inflammation, and reverse disease using the keto diet.

Today, the ketogenic diet is the world's fastest growing diet, and with good reason. When practiced correctly, it has been proven to burn fat, reduce inflammation, fight cancer, balance hormones and gut bacteria, improve neurological diseases, and even increase lifespan. Unfortunately, many people remain unaware of several key factors that are crucial to the diet's success, setting them up for frustration, failure, and relapse.
In Keto Diet, best-selling author Dr. Timothy Brown sets the record straight, offering thorough, step-by-step guidance to achieving lifelong health. Unlike other guides on the subject, Keto Diet identifies and details five different ketogenic protocols and explains why picking the right one for your body and lifestyle is fundamental to your success.
Complete with shopping lists, delicious recipes, complementary exercise routines, and accessible explanations of the science confirming the diet's powerful effects, Keto Diet gives listeners all the tools they need to say good-bye to stubborn fat and chronic disease once and for all.

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Generi Salute Benessere Self Help » Alimentazione e Diete , Scienza e Tecnica » Medicina

Editore Rachel Hudson

Formato Audiolibro

Durata 01:02.56

Pubblicato 11/07/2020

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9788835868378

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Keto Diet

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