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Keto Guide For Beginners - Rachel Hudson - Mark Avin
Keto Guide For Beginners - Rachel Hudson - Mark Avin

Audiolibro Keto Guide For Beginners

Rachel Hudson - Mark Avin
pubblicato da Rachel Hudson

Prezzo online:

The simple, easy, and friendly way to start the ketogenic diet and lifestyle.
Starting the ketogenic diet can be overwhelming. There is so much to learn and so many resources to choose from. So, why doesn't somebody make it easy? We did. Keto Guide For Beginners is your all-in-one resource for starting and sticking to the ketogenic diet. You get exactly what you need to make keto surprisingly simple: meal plans, shopping lists, support, and lots of "ketolicious" recipes.
Keto Guide For Beginners includes:

  • 75 scrumptious recipes, from bacon-artichoke omelets to pesto zucchini noodles. These easy-to-follow recipes can be prepared in 30 minutes or less. All recipes are included in the supplementary PDF for easy access.
  • 14-day meal plan with breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snack suggestions. This audiobook takes the guesswork out of starting your ketogenic diet. The 14-day meal plan is also included in the supplementary PDF.
  • The big picture. An overview explaining the fundamentals of the ketogenic diet and handy charts illustrating nutritional information help you master keto in no time.

Easy meets yummy meets healthy in this ketogenic diet audiobook.
Start losing weight and gaining a healthy lifestyle today.

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Generi Salute Benessere Self Help » Alimentazione e Diete

Editore Rachel Hudson

Formato Audiolibro

Durata 01:15.08

Pubblicato 13/07/2020

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9788835864189

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Keto Guide For Beginners

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