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Kevin O'Brien Bundle: Disturbed, The Last Victim, Watch Them Die

Kevin O'Brien
pubblicato da Kensington

Prezzo online:
-20 %

Disturbed Deceptive The houses in Willow Tree Court are sleek and modern-the kind designed to harbor happy families and laughing children. No one would guess the secrets that lurk beyond the neat lawns and beautiful facades. Depraved Molly Dennehy is trying to fit in to her new surroundings, though her neighbors are clearly loyal to her husband's ex-wife. But that's the least of Molly's worries. Her stepson's school has been rocked by a brutal slaying, and a psychopath known as the Cul-de-Sac Killer is murdering families in Seattle homes. Homes just like Molly's. Disturbed With each passing day, Molly grows more convinced that someone is watching her family, someone consumed with rage and vengeance. On this quiet road, a nightmare has been unleashed, and the trail of terror will lead right to her door. . . The Last Victim A Killer's Masterpiece At first, Bridget Corrigan's work with her twin brother's senatorial campaign is an exciting distraction from the trauma of her messy divorce. But everything changes when Bridget is reminded of the secret she and Brad have been keeping since high school, a secret that could destroy the campaign--and their lives. Someone else knows what they did. Someone who's been picking off the members of their little group one by one. . . Will Be Painted His job keeps him busy, but he loves every moment of it. Following them, photographing them, and immortalizing them on canvas. He knows exactly how they'll look when the last breath is drawn, because he has planned out their deaths with perfect precision. And the best is yet to come: Bridget Corrigan. He has very special plans for her portrait--she just doesn't know it yet. . . In Cold Blood With every "accident" that befalls the members of her old clique, Bridget feels danger edging closer to home. Yet uncovering the truth about the killer would mean revealing what really happened that horrible night years ago. She'll have to find someone to trust--the question is, who? Because turning to the wrong person could be the last mistake she ever makes. . . Watch them Die Different Victims The blonde film student. The brunette paralegal. The red-headed artist. Different Methods The first victim is strangled. The second is stabbed repeatedly. And the third is pushed out of an open window. Same Madman In the city of Seattle, no single woman is safe. From afar he watches the ones he so desperately wants. Willing to do whatever it takes to prove his love. But should his latest obsession betray him, he will have no choice but to punish her. By finding new and brutal ways to teach her a lesson. And by finally loving her--to death. . .

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Generi Romanzi e letteratura » Gialli e thriller » Thriller

Editore Kensington

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 26/04/2011

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9780786028917

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Kevin O

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