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Kevin Samuels' Guide to Life: A Socratic Exploration of the Teachings of Kevin Samuels - Dave Parker
Kevin Samuels' Guide to Life: A Socratic Exploration of the Teachings of Kevin Samuels - Dave Parker

Audiolibro Kevin Samuels' Guide to Life: A Socratic Exploration of the Teachings of Kevin Samuels

Dave Parker
pubblicato da Fortis Novum Mundum

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This audiobook is narrated by a digital voice.

As a cultural critic and social commentator, Kevin Samuels sparked dialogues that resonated worldwide, influencing and provoking thought on numerous societal issues. This book captures the essence of his impactful philosophy, presenting it through a lens that encourages deep reflection and rigorous discussion, much like the Socratic dialogues that have shaped intellectual thought for centuries.

Structured in a dialogical format reminiscent of Socratic teaching, this work explores the nuanced views Samuels held on topics from interpersonal relationships to self-improvement, and economic stability to societal roles. It delves into his provocative insights on realism and practicality, while also considering the legacy he sought to create. By weaving together Samuels' candid discussions with a Socratic approach to questioning and dialogue, the book invites readers to explore complex ideas and reconsider their own beliefs and assumptions.

Moreover, "Kevin Samuels' Guide to Life" confronts the controversies surrounding its subject with integrity and balance. It examines the criticism of Samuels being a negative influence, paralleling these accusations with those faced by Socrates, who was similarly misunderstood in his time. The book argues that, far from corrupting minds, both figures spurred critical thinking, challenged existing beliefs, and encouraged intellectual and personal growth through their questioning and dialogues.

This is not just a retrospective on a figure known for his directness and fervor. It is an invitation to engage with his ideas actively, to debate and to question, and to discover one's own truths through the Socratic method of inquiry and discussion. It promises to extend the lifespan of Samuels' teachings, allowing them to continue to challenge and inspire, much as they have done during his life.

Kevin Samuels' Guide to Life: A Socratic Exploration of the Teachings of Kevin Samuels" offers more than just insightsit initiates a dialogue about critical societal issues, urging readers to think deeply and live meaningfully. This book is an essential read for anyone ready to engage with ideas that provoke and persuade, challenging us to refine our understanding of ourselves and the world around us.

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Generi Famiglia Scuola e Università » Famiglia e Figli » Adolescenti , Salute Benessere Self Help » Self Help

Editore Fortis Novum Mundum

Formato Audiolibro

Durata 02:46.08

Pubblicato 04/05/2024

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9798882246470

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Kevin Samuels

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