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Kharijites: Oxford Bibliographies Online Research Guide

Adam Farrar - Tamara Sonn
pubblicato da Oxford University Press

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This ebook is a selective guide designed to help scholars and students of Islamic studies find reliable sources of information by directing them to the best available scholarly materials in whatever form or format they appear from books, chapters, and journal articles to online archives, electronic data sets, and blogs. Written by a leading international authority on the subject, the ebook provides bibliographic information supported by direct recommendations about which sources to consult and editorial commentary to make it clear how the cited sources are interrelated related. A reader will discover, for instance, the most reliable introductions and overviews to the topic, and the most important publications on various areas of scholarly interest within this topic. In Islamic studies, as in other disciplines, researchers at all levels are drowning in potentially useful scholarly information, and this guide has been created as a tool for cutting through that material to find the exact source you need. This ebook is a static version of an article from Oxford Bibliographies Online: Islamic Studies, a dynamic, continuously updated, online resource designed to provide authoritative guidance through scholarship and other materials relevant to the study of the Islamic religion and Muslim cultures. Oxford Bibliographies Online covers most subject disciplines within the social science and humanities, for more information visit

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Generi Politica e Società » Sociologia e Antropologia » Sociologia e Antropologia, altri titoli

Editore Oxford University Press

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 01/05/2010

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9780199804023

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Kharijites: Oxford Bibliographies Online Research Guide

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