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Las Vegas History According to Mary

Mary Roberts
pubblicato da Xlibris US

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After living in Las Vegas for 43 years I've come to realize that local people are unique, like no one else. They live in a 24 hour city with every temptation known to man at their fingertips. They try to lead a normal life, but it's possible. They have to cope with it as well as they can. I should know. I have been swept up into the bright lights many times. Unlike many of the characters in this book, I am a survivor.

People outside Las Vegas are intrigued with this outlook on life, pouring into the city to have a little "wallow in the mud", as the French call it. The French recognize that there is something inside us that makes us want to do something naughty. We just can't help it. Las Vegasns live very close to mud.

Put it all together and you have Little Sins in Sin City. This book is full of little stories about little sins. Some of them begin in other parts of the world, yet end up in our world famous Las Vegas. The sins don't need to be pointed out. You will recognize them.

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Generi Storia e Biografie » Biografie Diari e Memorie » Personaggi storici, politici e militari

Editore Xlibris Us

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 09/07/2013

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781469168685

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Las Vegas History According to Mary

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