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Lauren's Beach Crush

Angela Darling
pubblicato da Simon Spotlight

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You can't help but crush on this start to a tween series full of drama and romance!

Twelve-year-old Lauren Silver is ready to hit the beach for her annual family vacation. Aside from the sun and sand, she's especially thrilled to be reunited with her gorgeous summer crush, Charlie Anderson. Sure, she's only spoken to him once, for exactly thirteen seconds, but she knows they are meant to be together. She's even spent all year developing The Love Plan, a foolproof way to get to know Charlie and have him fall for her.

But plans don't always work out, which Lauren learns when she finds out a friend from school, Chrissy Porter, will be joining her family on their vacation. As if having to make Chrissy part of The Love Plan isn't bad enough, Lauren then has to face a very tough reality of crushes: Sometimes they are not mutual. And sometimes, when fate is playing a really mean trick on you, the object of your crush ends up crushing on your friend Chrissy.

Can Lauren survive her beach vacation? And more importantly, can she survive her first crush?

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Generi Bambini e Ragazzi » Narrativa » Rosa » Narrativa

Editore Simon Spotlight

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 07/05/2013

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781442480407

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