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Learn German - Sophia Marie
Learn German - Sophia Marie

Audiolibro Learn German

Sophia Marie
pubblicato da Rachel Hudson

Prezzo online:

Do you want to learn German? Do you want to be able to communicate with German speakers, travel to Germany, or simply immerse yourself in German culture? If so, this audiobook is for you.
Learn German: The Complete Audiobook is a comprehensive and easy-to-follow audiobook that will teach you everything you need to know to speak German fluently. From the basics of grammar and vocabulary to more advanced concepts like pronunciation and idioms, this audiobook covers it all.
You'll learn from native German speakers, who will guide you through the language at your own pace. You'll also have access to a variety of resources, including transcripts, exercises, and practice conversations.
Here are just a few of the things you'll learn in Learn German: The Complete Audiobook:

  • How to pronounce German words correctly
  • The basics of German grammar, including articles, nouns, verbs, and adjectives
  • How to build sentences and phrases
  • Common German vocabulary
  • Everyday German expressions
  • How to have basic conversations in German

Whether you're a beginner or an advanced learner, Learn German: The Complete Audiobook will help you reach your language learning goals.
Start your journey to German fluency today with Learn German: The Complete Audiobook!
Additional benefits of this audiobook:

  • Learn at your own pace: You can listen to the audiobook as many times as you need, and you can pause and rewind at any time.
  • Learn from native speakers: You'll learn from native German speakers, who will give you the most accurate pronunciation and intonation.
  • Access to a variety of resources: You'll have access to transcripts, exercises, and practice conversations, so you can practice what you're learning.

Order your copy of Learn German: The Complete Audiobook today and start speaking German fluently!

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Generi Lingue e Dizionari » Corsi di altre lingue straniere

Editore Rachel Hudson

Formato Audiolibro

Durata 01:08.19

Pubblicato 01/11/2023

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9791222493688

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Learn German

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