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Learn Spanish - Rachel Hudson
Learn Spanish - Rachel Hudson

Audiolibro Learn Spanish

Rachel Hudson
pubblicato da Rachel Hudson

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Speaking Spanish fluently is like having a superpower that can give you a competitive edge at work, and take you all over the world. Currently, there are around 480 MILLION Spanish speakers, stretching from South America to Spain... and even the Pacific Islands!
How do you get started?
SIMPLE Get this easy, step by step guide to learning Spanish!
In this 4-in-1 guide, Living Languages will take beginners like you on a fun ride while learning the Spanish language, by introducing some of the best and easiest lessons in grammar, vocabulary, and common phrases, so you can become fluent even if you start from scratch!
Here's what you can expect:

  • Quickly learn Spanish using this ONE great tip (HINT: It's all about the sequence)
  • Effectively and easily incorporate the use of numbers, colors, time, and feelings
  • Practical and simple tips to speed up learning
  • Interesting Spanish short stories for beginners to boost immersion
  • And much more!

What better way to grow and improve your Spanish speaking skills than by getting this book?
Spanish is one of the most beautiful languages in the world. However, some guides can make learning Spanish harder than it has to be... But not this book!
This simple guide takes extra care in delivering lessons in the right sequence, so you can maximize learning real spoken Spanish in no time!

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Editore Rachel Hudson

Formato Audiolibro

Durata 01:21.18

Pubblicato 27/07/2020

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9788835869931

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Learn Spanish

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