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» Other language » Lingue e Dizionari » Corsi di lingua e cultura spagnola e portoghese
Jeremy Taylor pubblicato da Jeremy Taylor
Learn Spanish with Jokes is a collection of 100 Spanish jokes in very easy Spanish. There is also some vocabulary help to help the reader. 100 jokes for only $4.95! That's just 5 cents a joke! It's not only educational - it's a lot of fun as well! Some of the jokes are a little risqué but anyone over the age of 16 shouldn't blush while reading it.
Generi Lingue e Dizionari » Corsi di lingua e cultura spagnola e portoghese » Corsi di spagnolo e portoghese » Corsi di altre lingue straniere
Editore Jeremy Taylor
Formato Ebook (senza DRM)
Pubblicato 02/11/2010
Lingua Spagnolo
EAN-13 9781452389738 9781452389738
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