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Leopards: The Ultimate Leopard Book for Kids

Jenny Kellett
pubblicato da Jenny Kellett

Prezzo online:

Is your child obsessed with leopards?! Then they'll love learning more about their favourite spotted feline in Leopard: The Ultimate Leopard Book for Kids!

Featuring over 100 exciting leopard facts illustrated with beautiful hi-res photos and a fun quiz and word search puzzle, this interactive book is perfect for leopard-loving readers aged 9+.

Topics include:

  • Leopard Characteristics
  • Leopards and Humans
  • The Nine Leopard Subspecies
  • Their Daily Lives
  • Leopard Conservation
  • And more

The content is challenging enough for curious learners, while the visual imagery brings the more challenging concepts to life, making it suitable for earlier readers.

Leopard facts sample:

  • There are no two leopards that look the sameeach has its own individual markings, just like a human fingerprint.
  • International Leopard Day is celebrated on May 3rd every year.
  • Trees aren't only useful for hiding inleopards can even hunt from them! They will blend in with the leaves before pouncing on their prey below.
  • Leopards are very stealthy and are known as ambush predators.

Learn these facts and many more in Leopards: The Ultimate Leopard Book for Kids. Scroll up to order your copy today.

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Generi Bambini e Ragazzi » Scienza, spazio e natura » Animali selvaggi » Animali domestici » Educativi » Scienze, spazio e natura

Editore Jenny Kellett

Formato Ebook (senza DRM)

Pubblicato 16/06/2022

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9798201314965

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Leopards: The Ultimate Leopard Book for Kids

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