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Let Me Hear a Rhyme

Tiffany D Jackson
pubblicato da HarperCollins

Prezzo online:
-9 %

In this striking new novel by the critically acclaimed author of Allegedly and Monday's Not Coming, Tiffany D. Jackson tells the story of three Brooklyn teens who plot to turn their murdered friend into a major rap star by pretending he's still alive.

Brooklyn, 1998. Biggie Smalls was right: Things done changed. But that doesn't mean that Quadir and Jarrell are cool letting their best friend Steph's music lie forgotten under his bed after he's murderednot when his rhymes could turn any Bed Stuy corner into a party.

With the help of Steph's younger sister Jasmine, they come up with a plan to promote Steph's music under a new rap name: the Architect. Soon, everyone wants a piece of him. When his demo catches the attention of a hotheaded music label rep, the trio must prove Steph's talent from beyond the grave.

As the pressure of keeping their secret grows, Quadir, Jarrell, and Jasmine are forced to confront the truth about what happened to Steph. Only, each has something to hide. And with everything riding on Steph's fame, they need to decide what they stand for or lose all that they've worked so hard to hold on toincluding each other.

"Jackson scores a bullseye with her passionate homage to Black city life in the late '90s." (Publishers Weekly, "An Anti-Racist Children's and YA Reading List")

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Generi Non definito

Editore Harpercollins

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 21/05/2019

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9780062840349

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