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Limitless - Jentezen Franklin
Limitless - Jentezen Franklin

Audiolibro Limitless

Jentezen Franklin
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When it seems like everything is falling apart, it can be hard to stay focused on the promises of God. With the weight of the world on your shoulders, it becomes very inviting to sit down and give up. Before you know it, doubts, frustration, and bitterness begin to creep in and steal all of the joy and power from your life and your relationship with God. The past is just a memory. God makes all things new. In Limitless best-selling author Jentezen Franklin encourages you to stop listening to the negative voices in your head that say things are never going to get better. You don't have to believe that your kids are never going to serve God or you'll never regain your health. In this book, you'll discover how to: ·Let go of the baggage and overcome the limits of your past once and for all ·Block the enemy's access into your life and cancel his assignments to limit you ·Revive your prayer life and worship times through new levels of intimacy with God ·Activate your faith to stop merely talking about miracles and start experiencing them ·Dream God-sized dreams, determine not to become satisfied, and decide to go to the next level in your walk with GodYou don't have to live a powerless, lukewarm Christian life. You can be victorious through the power of the Holy Spirit!

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Formato Audiolibro

Durata 05:18.26

Pubblicato 05/04/2016

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781633896185

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