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Lincoln For Beginners

Paul Buhle
pubblicato da For Beginners

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-19 %

There is no greater symbol of the American presidency than Abraham Lincoln. Though, Lincoln himself, his personality, the sources of his dedication and his idealism, remains very much a mystery. The sudden rise to world stature of a hard-traveling lawyer from the frontier, with no prominent family or social connections to back him, was a wonder of the age.

Well over a thousand books about Lincoln have been written and still the enigma remains, perhaps because it is the enigma of a young country finding its footing and its destiny. Yet, no part is deeper, more perplexing, than Lincoln's own beliefs about God and destiny.

Featuring a foreword by Pulitzer prize-winning author Eric Foner, Lincoln For Beginners sets to demystify the man behind the legend.

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Editore For Beginners

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 13/01/2015

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781934389867

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Lincoln For Beginners

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