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» English » Bambini e Ragazzi » Narrativa
Anna Dewdney pubblicato da Penguin Young Readers Group
From New York Times bestselling author-illustrator of the Llama Llama books comes a new character ready to dig his way into your heart!
Here come the BIG RIGS rolling down the street. Thumpa-thumpa bumpa-bumpa BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!
There's Loader and Dump Truck, Backhoe and Crane. They're ready to transform a vacant lot into a neighborhood park. And who wants to help most of all?
Little Excavator! But are there any jobs for someone so small?
Anna Dewdney's signature rhyming text and inviting illustrations make this a perfect read aloud for for fans of things that go!
Generi Bambini e Ragazzi » Narrativa » Narrativa
Editore Penguin Young Readers Group
Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM
Pubblicato 06/06/2017
Lingua Inglese
EAN-13 9781101999288 9781101999288
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