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Lord Peter Views the Body

Dorothy L. Sayers
pubblicato da Aegitas

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Lord Peter Views the Body is a collection of short stories written by renowned crime fiction author Dorothy L. Sayers. Published in 1928, this book is the fourth installment in the Lord Peter Wimsey series and showcases Sayers' masterful storytelling skills. With a blend of mystery, humor, and social commentary, this collection of stories is a must-read for fans of the genre. The book contains twelve short stories, each one featuring the charismatic and highly intelligent detective, Lord Peter Wimsey. Set in England during the early 20th century, the stories are cleverly crafted and intricately plotted, keeping the readers on the edge of their seats till the very end. Sayers' vivid descriptions of the English countryside and her sharp wit make the stories come alive, immersing the readers in the world of Lord Peter Wimsey. One of the most appealing aspects of this book is the character development of Lord Peter Wimsey. In each story, he showcases his exceptional deductive skills and his ability to think outside the box. But beneath his witty and charming exterior, Sayers also delves into Lord Peter's inner struggles and vulnerabilities, making him a relatable and multi-dimensional character. As the stories progress, we see Lord Peter evolve and grow, making him a beloved and enduring character in the world of crime fiction. Aside from the intriguing mysteries and well-developed characters, Lord Peter Views the Body also offers insightful commentary on society and its values during the early 20th century. Sayers uses her stories to address issues such as class distinctions, gender roles, and the changing landscape of England after World War I. Through her writing, she challenges these societal norms and offers a glimpse into the complexities of human nature. Moreover, the book also provides a glimpse into the art of detection and the methods used by detectives during that time period. Sayers' attention to detail and her extensive research on forensic science and criminology make the stories feel authentic and provide a fascinating insight into the world of crime solving. Lord Peter Views the Body is a masterful collection of short stories that will captivate readers with its clever plots, well-developed characters, and insightful commentary on society. Sayers' writing style and her ability to weave together mystery, humor, and social commentary make this book a timeless classic in the world of crime fiction. It is a must-read for anyone who enjoys a good mystery and appreciates exceptional storytelling.

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Generi Romanzi e letteratura » Gialli e thriller » Classici » Gialli e thriller » Storici » Storici » Contemporanei

Editore Aegitas

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 17/07/2024

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9780369411525

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Lord Peter Views the Body

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