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This book is your door to a mesmerizing journey through the captivating realm of love spells from diverse cultures around the world. My work unearths the hidden treasures of cross-cultural romance magic, unveiling ancient rituals and modern incantations that have brought hearts together for generations. The key to a happy life is to easily get what you want and to want what you have. Most people make a mistake: they fixate on a certain object or event in their life, instead of attracting the desired by changing themselves. Through inner work, we change reality much more easily and get the desired result without any problems. This is called reality manipulation, or in other words, magic.

A few years ago I read the novel Tuareg by the Spanish writer Alberto Vázquez Figueroa, a story about one of the last princes of an ancient people who crosses the most sultry, arid and terrifying part of the desert, the white salt core of the Sahara. Wrapped from head to toe in indigo robes, lean, wiry and lithe as a reed, girded with a knife and a battered rifle, he was the epitome of restrained strength. He spoke little, and his face had long since forgotten the taste of a smile.

I am now the guide preparing to guide you through the fine sands of quantum magic. Therefore, I am obliged to introduce you to the ancient rules of this art...

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Love Spells

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