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Are you tired of following fad diets which only does nothing but restrict your food intake? Are you on the look for an effective diet plan that can serve you for a lifetime? If yes, then a Low Glycemic Diet might hold the key for your long-awaited glow-up!

In this book, you will discover:

How a no-diet diet can actually make you lose weight

Why a "sweet" dieting success doesn't always involve sugar

How to keep yourself full without drowning yourself in carbs

Keeping a healthy weight without beating yourself (and your taste buds) up

One trick that can make you forget that you're even dieting, and still get great results (hint: it's not supplement)

This guide is not about restricting yourself from eating the food that you love. It is not about losing weight drastically. This is not like other diet plans where you have to bust your pockets just to follow the strict regimen.

This book will teach you to choose and eat the right kind of food groups to lose weight. This is about getting a balanced diet that results in a healthy body by keeping your blood sugar level down.

From this book, you'll learn how to manage your weight by following the Low Glycemic Diet Plan. This is not a fad diet, like the most popular diet menu plans. This actually facilitates a change in your eating habit that you can eventually incorporate into your lifestyle.

In this book, I will introduce to you the concept of Low Glycemic Diet and share with you a sample meal plan and recipe that you can use as a starter.

I will walk with you as you start a new habit that will change your perception about eating and dieting.

Table of contents


Chapter 1 Carbohydrates and the Glycemic Index

Chapter 2 Week 1: Getting Started

Chapter 3 Week 2: Creating Your Meal Plan

Chapter 4 Week 3: Evaluation and Adjustments

Chapter 5 The Last Step: Make it a Habit


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Generi Salute Benessere Self Help » Alimentazione e Diete

Editore Mindplusfood

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 18/05/2020

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 6610000261543

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Low GI Diet Book

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